Circus workshops for wellbeing in a difficult Covid world
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Lucas Jet
It's tough out there right now...
As adults we've found the new normal extremely challenging to adjust to. From what I've seen and heard from talking to teachers, the pupils have largely taken it all in their stride.
But we must recognise that the new Covid world and restrictions are having a massive effect on children's wellbeing. It's more important than ever to look after our own mental health. That's why I'm excited to be offering Covid safe circus workshops to schools around the UK.
The video below shows our usual assembly show, we understand that this won't be possible for a while. Instead we want to offer individual mini performances to accompany circus skills workshops within the children's bubbles.
A sample of my usual offering
'the best assembly you'll ever have'
What happens in a Lucas Jet Covid safe Circus Day
Our first circus workshop session will be with the first bubble you choose. This will last 40 minutes. It will include; plate spinning, juggling, flower sticks and diabolo. I have enough equipment for 2 bubbles to have completely new equipment.
After the first 2 bubbles have participated we will have morning break. This gives me a chance to dip and disinfect all the equipment.
After break there should be time for 2 more sessions before lunch with freshly cleaned equipment.
How can a circus performer help a primary school teacher
with their circus topic planning?
I'm 4 x British Unicycle Champion and present live skills that a lot of children just won't have seen in real life. It's powerful stuff.
Place Between
A fantastic book that I am often asked to bring to life through my magical circus performance. Let's give the pupils something to write about.
Every school has the pupils that struggle to engage with learning or mainstream sport. Circus workshops can often be a breakthrough for many pupils as it uses a different part of the brain.
How much does a circus skills day cost for my school?
Bring a book to life for your pupils - World Book Day
A primary school in Northamptonshire asked me to help them bring Leon and The Place Between to life for World Book Day 2019 and you can watch the stunning result below. I also wrote a blog post detailing the amazing levels that the school went to so you can check that out as inspiration for your next world book day.