Having had a relatively calm November, December kicked off with a bang as I was lucky enough to be involved with the promotion and launch of the new Sony Xperia phone which boasts some clever new features and wanted to demonstrate its camera's capabilities.
I was booked by a lovely photographer called Tara Moore who didn't give me too much detail of the job to start with, only that it was a photoshoot for Sony, which on a gloomy day in November when you're sat at home trying to resist putting the heating on is a great phonecall to recieve.
I made my way to the Malcolm Ryan Studios in Wimbledon. I walked into the studio greeted by the site of an adult in spandex popping bubbles. I thought finally, I've found my people! Eager to get into my spandex I was shot down to find that I would be dressed in dungarees with pin-striped top by stylist Alice Timms who purchased them from Screwfix but still managed to make me look fabulous darling : )

When it came to the shoot, they were filming and catching stills. I was encouraged to keep it simple as everything had to be repeated around 100/150 times. So initially I was juggling clubs on the unicycle then going up into a nose balance. This was a new trick for me, I could do it about 2 in 3 times but they didn't like the shape luckily or at least thats what they said, so we changed it to under the leg.
By the end I had a pain in my hip from repeatedly lifting my leg up and trying to make the trick as visual as possible. It was a relatively straight forward day for me, in and out within 3 hours which included a lovely buffet lunch. I had a 'waterboy' keeping me hydrated and a loyal chap that picked my clubs up for me. It was a jugglers dream.

Juggling Unicyclist for advertising campaign
The remit for the day was 'Can you capture a Juggler?' A challenge set by Michael Smith from the UK.
With the global power of a brand like Sony, the photo got 3,124 likes on Instagram and the video clip got 2860! It's amazing on days like this to see how much work goes into what you think is just a 15 second clip on Instagram. So much preparation, professional planning and work goes into this short little bit of advertising. But what a great opportunity for little old me to work with a big brand like Sony. It's not my most memorable clip as the tricks and difficulty level is so simple, but it is certainly a nice clip to have in my showreel.
If you click on the image below it will take you to the instagram video.